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Hi, I'm Teddy. It's a bit of a strange name for a bunny, but my mum Mia called me that because I'm soft and cuddly like a teddy bear. I do enjoy my cuddles, up to a certain point. There are only so many cuddles a bunny can bear!

I'm a dwarf lop-eared rabbit. I live with Aunty Nat's family and they look after me very well. My hutch-mate is a bunny called Lilly. We are the best of friends.

I love to sleep in my hutch, lounge around the house, and eat and play. My favourite foods are my special pellets and grain, grass and carrots, apples and bananas. Bananas are my most favourite treat!

I had a great time filming A Day With the King. I just did my favourite past-time, that is, lounging on the sofa. It was a very easy part to play. My favourite new friend is Aunty Cecily. I'm looking forward to spending some time with her when my family goes away.

Thanks for watching us on A Day With the King. Don't forget to look out for me on the sofa. See you next Sabbath!

Love, Teddy.

Teddy paw print